Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Test setup readability in C# 7

How do you set up the state and the data that you need in tests? Say that you are writing a view class for a domain object. In addition, you need to set up a mock environment that you need to assert against in order to make sure that the view is making the correct calls to environment (which might be a graphics card, a web service or a UI frontend:

  class DomainObject

  class View

  class MockEnvironment : IEnvironment

With NUnit, you can decorate setup methods with the [SetUp] or [SetUpFixture] attribute. These methods will be run before the tests or test class, allowing you to create data and set this as fields in the test class. A test class might look like this:

  public class Test
    private DomainObject _domainObject;
    private View _view;
    private MockEnvironment _environment;

    public void CreateStuff()
      // Create and initialize _domainObject, _view and _environment  

    public void SomeMethod_Always_EverythingWorks()
      // Test stuff and assert, using the class fields

However, that will cause issues if the tests are run in parallel. Actually, some test frameworks like xUnit has no support for setup methods because of this.

A better approach is to use maker methods that create the data with helper methods:

    public void SomeMethod_Always_EverythingWorks()
      var environment = MakeEnvironment(some parameters);

      var domainObject = MakeDomainObject();
      var view = MakeView(domainObject, environment);

      // Do some more initialization

      // Implement test

    private MockEnvironment MakeEnvironment()

    private DomainObject MakeDomainObject()

    private View MakeView(DomainObject domainObject, IEnvironment environment)

This quickly becomes messy if multiple objects are created. If they depend on each other, it becomes even more messy.

C#7  has a new feature that is very handy for this scenario: return tuples! With return tuples, you can create and initialise everything in one reusable method. Everything is still type safe and very readable:

    public void SomeMethod_Always_EverythingWorks()
      var (view, domainObject, environment) = MakeViewAndStuff();

      // Implement test

    private (View view, DomainObject domainObject, MockEnvironment environment) MakeViewAndStuff()
      var environment = new MockEnvironment();
      var domainObject = new DomainObject();
      var view = new View(domainObject, environment);

      // Do more initialization

      return (view, domainObject, environment);

Various tests in the test class may or may not reference the objects that are returned. For readability, simply assign the ignored return variables to a dummy underscore variable if you don't need them in the tests:

    public void SomeOtherMethod_Always_EverythingWorks()
      var (view, _, _) = MakeViewAndStuff();

      // Implement test. No need to use the domain object and environment in this test

Clever, huh?

Friday, August 4, 2017


Just a small update from me... I am now on Twitter!

Well, I have had a Twitter account for years, but I never really used it. From now on, I'll post updates on Twitter whenever I write a new blogpost or stumble upon something which is related to test-driven development. Or other aspects related to software development. Or maybe even about boats!
